
Why blame dowry when BSO is not ready to give up Manu?


Bangalore: Supreme Court has now said what we have been saying all these years: The Indian society is sick. At last the highest court of the land has understood the truth of our repeated criticisms.

New Delhi: Shaken by the large number of women being killed for dowry, the Supreme Court has said Indian society has become sick.

“The hallmark of a healthy society is the respect it shows to women. Indian society has become a sick society. This is evident from the large number of cases coming up in this court in which young women are being killed by their husbands or by their in-laws by pouring kerosene on them and setting them on fire or by hanging/strangulating them”, an anguished bench of Justices Markendey Katju and Gyan Sudha Mishra said in a recent judgment. (TOI, Nov.2, 2010).

Both the Supreme Court judges who uttered the supreme truth are Brahmins. And Markanedy Katju is an authority on the Brahmin “sacred scriptures”. He knows the Manu Dharma Sastra byheart.
Manu, the MCP: Manu, the MCP, still guides the Brahminical society comprising the mere 15% Indian society. The rest are not so anti-women. Particularly among the SC/ST, women have a higher place.
The court blamed the “commercialisation of our society” as the cause behind dowry deaths.
Here again the Brahmin judges are wrong. It is the Brahminical (15%) upper castes who are the leaders of the money-driven society. If the rest also get commercialised, and contaminated they have done it by learning from their elder brothers.
But is the Brahminical Social Order ready to discard Manu? No. Never. Both the judges know it.


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