Warangal, Novermber, 8 : There is clamour from some university professors, who want to see either an SC or a ST at the helm of affairs at Kakatiya University (KU). The present KU vice-chancellor (VC) Prof N. Lingamurthy's three-year term ended on Sunday.
The SC, ST Employees’ Association of KU has already gone public demanding appointment of a SC/ST as vice-chancellor. They have also represented to National SC, ST Commission to frame necessary guidelines for providing reservation to SC, ST professors as VCs as UGC guidelines is said to be silent on the issue.
“The University Grants Commission (UGC) guidelines mentions only 10 years experience as professor for appointment as VC of a university,” said Mr Pulla Ravi, general secretary, SC, ST Employees’ Association of KU, adding that in the last 36 years of KU's existence no professor belonging to either SC or the ST community could become VC. Mr K. Venka-tanarayana, professor of Economics, KU, who hails from the BC community, also echoed the same view.
“Even though it makes no difference to the university as to which community the VC belongs, but on ground of social justice, either a SC or ST be appointed as VC,” he said.
KU’s list of former VCs include founder VC K. Venkataramaiah, V. Vaikuntam, C.K. Kokate, V. Gopal Reddy (all from forward community), K. Jayashankar, Prof Vidyavathi, T. Vasudev, N. Lingamurthy (all from BC) and Prof Jafar Nizam from the minority community. Community wise, VCs belonging to the BC and FC had tenure of 15 years each while the only VC from the minority community, Prof Jafar Nizam, functioned as KU VC for six years in two spells.
Significantly, Telangana Universities' Tribal Teachers Association (TUTTA) wants the chancellor of the university Mr E.S.L. Narasimhan to bring VC appointments for all universities in Telangana under SC/ST reservation rule.
“As per the present reservation policy for SC/STs in government jobs, there should be four-five tribal and SC professors as VCs out of 22 universities in Telangana region,” said Mr Redya Naik, assistant professor and TUTTA general secretary, adding that apart from KU, three more universities in Telangana have VC vacancies.
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