
Buddha and his history

Buddha and his true history.

Buddha was not a religious guru like present day swamijis.

He did not simply sit under a tree with his eyes closed.

He did not do anything like meditation, yoga or some other pooja.

He denied god.

He was a revolutionist. He led a huge revolution which suppressed the Brahmin rule in India.

He educated mulnivasis( present day SC ST and OBC’S in India)

Brahmins distorted his history and told a wrong story about him.

Briefly, It goes like this.

1. Buddha saw a sick man

2. Buddha saw a suffering old man

3. Buddha saw a dead man

Later he sat beneath a tree and started meditation.

Suddenly he got enlightened and became the 10th avatar of god.

This story is absolutely stupid and baseless.

The actual history of Buddha was like this.

Buddha was born in 325 BC

He belongs to SAKHYA gana. (gana- ancient Indian society was divided into ganas)

There was a fight between SAKHYAS and KOLEYAS on sharing the water from the river ROHINI.

(koleya is another gana in ancient India ).

Sakhyas declared war on Koleyas.

Sakhyan army chief ordered all young men to join in army and fight with Koleyas.

Buddha denied to fight.

Army chief wanted to punish Buddha, and gave choices like,

Death / Exile,

Social boycott of family etc.

This caught the attention of king KOSALA who controls both the ganas

Buddha chose to die.

But army chief was a bit afraid to kill him, because of possible consequences.

Buddha became ‘pariv raajaka’ and left sakhya gana.

Then he went and sat under a tree. Not for meditation, but

he started thinking logically about people and their problems.

Gradually he formulated the reasons for human sufferings.

Later he started visiting the villages one by one on foot, and

educated the people.

He denied the existence of God.

He denied the existence of atma, rebirth, etc.

He denied the supremacy of Brahmins

Soon large section of people started following his teachings.

And majority of mulnivsis (sc st and obc’s) got converted to Buddhism

With Buddha’s influence, the mulnivasis revolted against the Brahmins, and

later Chandre Gupta Mourya became the king.

Thus Buddha became the first revolutionist in India.

But now Brahmins have distorted his history.

Brahmins said that Buddha was the 10th avatar of god.

All the sc, st, obc (mulnivasi) people should be avare of the cunning

tactics of Brahmins.

Indian constitution became Untouchable………!!

Indian constitution in its preamble very clearly states that the objective of the constitution is to establish an egalitarian society based on the principles of “Equality, Fraternity, Liberty and Justice” ….the values given to the world by Buddha….

However, the ruling castes (brahmins and other so called high caste aryans) have declared that they don’t believe in the constitution. They will only act as per the guidelines of the Manu Smriti. The constitution has become “untouchable” for them. This is clearly visible from the following:

i) All the secretariats and governments institutes including the judiciary are completely in the control of Brahmins.

ii) Increasing atrocities and discrimination with mulnivasi people of SC, ST, OBC and Converted Minority.

iii) Denial of representation to mulnivasi SC, ST, OBC and converted Minorities in Higher Administration and Judiciary…and in the planning process (only a few Brahmanical stooges are allowed)

iv) Betrayal of reservation policy for mulniavsi SC, ST, OBC and Converted Minority even though it is a fundamental right of these people as per the Constitution of India

v) Betrayal of Directives Principles as enshrined in the Constitution

vi) Betrayal of socialist character of the Constitution through encouragement and implementation of policy of capitalism through privatization, globalization and liberalization

vii) Betrayal of the constitution with regard to the concept of “Welfare State”

viii) Increasing Judicial activism to protect the interest of the 15% miniscule minorities of high caste Aryans

ix) Govt is Planning and sponsoring conspiracies to increase poverty and unemployment among mulnivasis SC, ST, OBC and Converted Minorities

How long will we mulnivasis afford to be silent spectators and socially impotent …….? Do we think that merely saying “Jai Bhim” or “Buddham Sarannag Gachchami” alone can solve the problems?...

Is that what Dr. Ambedkar expected from the educated class….? He was right when he said “The educated class has betrayed (cheated) me”.

My dear mulnivasi brothers and sisters, we should get united and fight the brahminical forces collectively for our rights

All the sc, st, obc, and religious converted minorities belong to one blood and one race.


Generally brahminical people say that Indian history is SANATHAN (beginning is out of reach to history). But that is nonsense. Indian history begins with Indus valley civilization.

1: Indus Valley Civilization:

It flourished between 2800BC to 2000BC. It was built by the Mulnivasi people(sc, st, and obc) of this country.

It was an urban civilization, Harappa, Mohenjadaro, Lothal, etc. were the towns built by them.

These towns had Underground drainages, Swimming pools, Market yards, Well-designed streets, Multi-storeyed houses, trade used to be there in this civilization. These mulnivasi people are comparatively dark in complexion. Indus valley people are basically agriculturists and Peace loving people. They lived in Permanent settlements, and followed Maternal System (mother based).

They followed Gana System, which had later developed India into 16 Mahajanapadas.

These people were Literates (Language not decoded yet), and worshiped Mother Goddess.

Bull is their chief animal.

2: Aryan invasion:

***Aryans are present day BRAHMINS, KSHYATRIYAS, AND VYSHYAS in India.***

Aryan Invasions took place between 2000BC to 1000BC. They came in batch after batch from the regions of Central Asia (Present Iran), through the north west corner of India. Aryans are basically Pastoral Nomadics with Barbaric, Cunning and Cruel Mind. These people are fair in complexion. They followed Paternal System and Worshipped Indra, Agni etc. They spoke Sanskrit language. They brought Horse with them, which was not known to Indians(mulnivasis) till then. Aryans daily life include Yagnas, Sacrifices, Alcoholism, Sexual immorality.

3: Enslavement of Mulnivasis(aboriginal Indus people) in the Varna System:

Battles between Mulnivasis(Indus people) and Aryan invaders started. Nagas only could resist them successfully who established Maghadha kingdom (Under Sisu Naga in 642 BC). With Horse and Sharp weapons as advantages, the cunning Aryans started defeating the Mulnivasis. Aryans gave insulting names like Dasa, Dasyu, Rakshasa, Asura, Pisacha, chandala, etc. to the defeated Indus people(mulnivasis). Aryans slowly got grip over the northern parts of India.

While invasion was in progress, Aryans divided themselves into three Varnas namely Brahmins, Kshatriyas & Vyshyas, so as to facilitate a better division of power.

They formulated a stupid theory saying that Brahmins came from the mouth of Brahma,

Kshatriyas came from the shoulders of Brahma,

Vyshyas came from the thighs/stomach of Brahma.

(note:This is not accepted by science. Does any body with a little bit of commonsence believe this foolish theory?)

By this theory, Brahmins reserved all religious rights,

Kshatriyas reserved the rights to rule,

and Vyshyas reserved the rights over economy.

They developed the Concept of Dwijatva(twice born-again a foolish theory) after Upanayana, and Brahmins started claiming more rights, by declaring themselves as next to Brahma, the creater. Brahmins reserved all the religious rights.

Battles between Brahmins and Kshatriyas over religious rights started.

Battles between Vasishta V/s VishwaMitra, Parashuram’s extermination of Kshatriyas 21 times are the examples of such battles.

Brahmins won over the Kshatriyas and placed them in the newly invented 4th Varna called Shudra.

So now the number of varnas became four, namely Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vyshya and Shudra.

This is called CHATURVARNA system.

Brahmins boycotted Kshatriyas Religiously and denied Upanayana to them.

They pushed the previously defeated Indus valley people( Mulnivasis) also into the fourth Shudra Varna and made them as slaves. So by now the Shudra varna contains of native defeated people(mulnivasis) as well as the defeated kshatriyas.

The Brahmins wrote RegVeda around 1500 BC. Slokas of RgVeda are nothing but the Prayers by Aryans to Indra to help them defeat the native people(Mulnivasis).

Purusha Sukhta, the 10th chapter of RgVeda described the origin of Varna system. (As a creation of Brahma)

Purusha Sukta gave religious sanctity to Varna System.

According to RgVeda, Shudras must do slavery to the other three varnas

Brahmins by declaring Vedas as unquestionable, made Mulnivasis as slaves and exploited them brutally.

4: Revolution by Buddha:

Buddha was a Sakyan mulnivasi who are now recognized as OBCs by the Mandal Commission.

He was the first Social Revolutionary in the world.

He questioned the Sanctity of Varna system, which is enslaving the Shudras.

He opposed Vedas for propounding and supporting the Varna System.

He rejected the theories of God, Soul and Rebirth and Karma etc., which were designed to make us(mulnivasis) slaves.

He opposed Yagnas & Sacrifices, which forms the daily life of the Aryans.

He established Bikkhu Sanghas to awaken the society.

He was the first man to use the word ‘Bahujan’ to indicate Shudras(mulnivasis) who are Majority people.

By his famous “Four great truths”, he identified Brahmanical social order of Varna System as the root cause of all evils.

Three Saranas proclaimed by him were aimed at keeping the “knowledge” as the foundation of the society.

With the Buddha’s revolution, Shudras started getting awakened and educated. They got united again, and started protesting the varna system. Gradually with the help of Buddha’s teachings, they became very powerfull and as a result, Chandra Gupta Maurya who belongs to the Naga clan (Nagas are Mulnivasi) could use this opportunity and established Mauryan Dynasty in the year 325 BC.

Under Chandra Gupta Maurya,

 Yagnas were banned

 Animal Sacrifices were banned

 Varna System was banned

 Brahmins lost all the relevance and were forced to join Chandra Gupta Mourya’s military for livelihood .

 Asoka became king in 269 BC and declared Buddhism as state religion

 He spreaded education among the Shudras

 Propagated Buddhism to the nook and corner of the country and even outside India

 Punished Upper Varnas for following Varna System

 Erected rock edicts all over the country explaining the importance of moral values

 Brahminism suffered a heavy loss under Asoka’s rule.

As a result of contributions of Buddha, Chandra Gupta mourya, and Ashoka, shudras are elevated, and they became well educated.

In due course, Brihadrath (shudra, great grand son of ashoka) became king in the year 185 BC. But by that time Pushya Mitra Shrunga, a Brahmin could become the army Chief of Mauryans.

5:Counter Revolution by Pushya Mitra Shrunga:

Pushya Mitra Shrunga, being a Brahmin, and army chief, planned a coup to dethrone the Shudra rulers.

Gradually he succeeded in empowering all the Brahmin solders in Mouryan empire.

He beheaded(cut head off) and killed the king Brihadrath in the court hall and announced himself as the king of entire India .

He murdered 70,000 Buddhist Monks in a single day. Also he destroyed many Buddhist Viharas. By this he terrorized the mulnivasis.

Re-introduced the Varna System and made Shudras again as slaves.

Announced gold coins to who ever kills a Buddhist monk and brings his head.

Under his rule, cunning Brahmins joined Buddhism and started diluting it.

Pushya Mitra decided to divide the vast population of Shudras for fear of another revolt like Buddha.

He converted Varna into Caste System by restricting people to their professions.

To defend his act of kinghood, which is contrary to his Varna dharma, Manu’s code was introduced. (according to varna system a Brahmin should not handle weapons. But Pushya mitra being a Brahmin, is doing that.)

So in Manu Smrithi he made them write that a Brahmin also could take to weapons in the unavoidable circumstances.

6: Manu’s Code and Caste System:

Manu’s Code said Shudras don’t have the right to Education, Weapon and Wealth.

It also said all women are Shudras. (note: when Aryans invaded India, it is believed that only Aryan men came on horses, but not the Aryan women. So the Aryan men took native women(mulnivasis) to keep their race flourish. There fore, they said all women are shudras. So Aryans believe that the child of an Aryan man and a native women is impure. So to purify them, they do a ceremony called UPANAYANA which is considered to be the second birth of an Aryan)

Manu Smrithi is full of Prohibitions and extreme Punishments to Shudras.

Shudras lead a horrible life under caste system.

Shudra Buddhists could not bear the torture, and out of fear got scattered and became broken men. This happened in three main ways.

A Large section of these broken men, out of fear got surrendered to Brahmins.

Some had fled to the interior areas like Hills and Forests so as to protect their Identity.

The Arya Brahmins defeated the remaining Shudras.

The surrendered broken men were assigned Shudra identity and various professions like barbers, weavers, washer men, cattle rearers, etc etc . Also called as dastakars. These Dastakars are now constitutionally called as Other Backward Classes (OBCs).

The broken men, who fled to the jungles, were called as Adivasis and constitutionally as Scheduled Tribes (STs)

The defeated broken men were thrown away to the outskirt of villages. Due to lack of food, they started eating dead animal flesh. For eating such dead cattle, these were dubbed as Untouchables and now constitutionally as Scheduled Castes (SCs)

So, the present SC, ST & OBCs are the Mulnivasis of this nation and belong to ONE BLOOD and ONE RACE.

Now Genetic (DNA) evidence supports this fact.

7: Religious Converted Mulnivasis:

During the 600-year rule of Mughal Muslims from 1150 AD to 1750 AD, some Sufi saints also have come to India to propagate Islam religion. At that time, most of the Dasthakars (OBCs) who were inside the shudra circle and still without basic rights, have got the opportunity to get released from the slavery of Arya Brahmins. They got converted to Islam.

During the 200-year rule of Britishers from (1750 – 1950), Christianity was propagated in India, which they brought along with them. Most of the Untouchables in south India and Adivasis of North India have got converted to Christianity.

Around 1530 AD, Guru Nanak found Sikh religion with the slogan of One Caste, One Religion, One Identity and One Culture. Sikhism was found to counter the Caste System and Brahmanism. Taking this opportunity, most of the native people in and around Punjab got converted to Sikhism.

Also after 1956, following the footsteps of Baba Saheb Dr. Ambedkar, many SC, ST and OBCs got converted to Buddhism. Same is the situation in Jainism.

Thus during different points of time in the history, the Mulnivasi SC, ST & OBCs got converted to different religions. But these religious converted Mulnivasi people are dubbed and propagated as “Minorities” by the Brahmanical forces.

These converted mulnivasis also have forgotten their social roots in this country and are unable to counter the strategies of the Brahmanical forces.

Hence, the present SC, ST, OBC & RCM(religious converted minorities) are the Mulnivasis of this country and belong to ONE BLOOD and ONE RACE. And they are MULNIVASIS and the rightfull owners of India .


Q1 What does MULNIVASI mean?

A . Mulnivasi is a hindi word, and it means the person who is residing

in a country(India) from the very beginning of history

He is an aboriginal person

He is the original inhabitant of India

He is the rightful owner of all resources (natural & man made) in



A . Mulnivasis are non other than the present day SC,ST,OBC’S and

RCM (Religious converted minorities) i.e., people from these

castes, who r converted to various religions like Christianity, islam,

Jainism, sikkhism etc

Q3 Why should only these people be called mulnivasis?

A . Only these people can be called as Mulnivasis.

Why because, the remaining people are called Aryans

Aryans are not Indians

They came from other countries and settled in India

Q4 Where are Aryans now in India?

A . The present day BRAHMINS



Are collectively called as Aryans

Q5 Tell me some problems with with these Aryans?

A . They are exploiting the rightful properties of mulnivasis

They treat mulnivasis much worse than animals

These Aryans are minut in number by population, but they are

enjoying the lions share in all fields

They are cheating mulnivasis

They are humiliating mulnivasis

They are killing mulnivasis

They are raping our mulnivasi mothers and sisters

They are ruling mulnivasis

They made mulnivasis beg for their basic rights

Mulnivasis are not getting social justice and equality

Q5 What are the properties of mulnivasis?

A . The whole India is the property of mulnivasis.

All the resources, both natural and man made, in India,

belong to mulnivasis only.

Q6 I am a mulnivasi, and I have a lot of friends from Aryan

community(Brahmins,kshyatriyas,vyshyas) but I never faced

any difficulty with them, and they are very friendly to me.

A . U(mulnivasi) and your Aryan friends are not the only humans

living in India. We need to see this as a nation wide problem.

Since u r equally educated to them, they may not comment on your

face. But as a whole, Aryan community is cheating mulnivasi


Q7 Where is the proof ? Where can we see caste discrimination?

A . Everywhere.

U take any organization, govt or private, the top management

will be in the hands of upper caste people. All the fourth class

employees will be mulnivasi people ( sweepers, security guards,

scavengers etc.,)

U take any political party. The top leaders will be upper caste people.

The people who build the stages for party meetings will be mulnivasis

The people who hold party flags and walk in the sun are mulnivasis

The scattered food items will be cleaned by mulnivasis after party


• U go to any village in India, the land lords will be upper caste people

and daily labours are mulnivasis.

All the MNC’S (multinational companies) are in the hands of upper caste

people,and fourth class employees in MNC’S are mulnivasis. i.e., toilet

cleaners, cab drivers, attenders, house keeping people,sweepers, etc.

• All the luxurious professions are in the hands of upper caste people.

For example, media (movie makers, actors, tv channels, news papers,

fashion world etc etc etc )

• U take any news paper or any magazine, and we can easily identify

the people enjoying luxurious parties in cities as upper caste people

but not mulnivasis.

• The economy build my hard work of crores of mulnivasis in India

is being enjoyed in the name of luxurious parties by upper caste


• Huge shopping malls in all citys are owned by uppercaste people


• Thousands of acers of land in India is in the hands of upper cast

people only, while mulnivasis are struggling for shelter.

• All the hard work is done by mulnivasis i.e., laying roads in sun,

breaking stones,Construction work(ordinary houses to huge dams),

building canals, laying electrical wiring across the country, laying railway

lines for thousands of kilometers, grazing cattle, etc etc etc.

Q8 Ok, tell me something more about mulnivasi life styles?

A. All the menial and ugly jobs in India are done by mulnivasis

Disposing the dead animals is done by mulnivasis but not

by upper caste people.

Septic tanks in India are cleaned by mulnivasis.

Can u show me any upper caste person cleaning latrines?

The entire under ground drainage system in India is being cleaned

by only mulnivasis. Can we see any other uppercaste person cleaning


Now it is our duty to question this injustice.

Why should only our brothers and sisters (mulnivasis) do these ugly


We(MULNIVASIS) should get united as one, and fight for our

Rightful place and respect in our mother land, India.

jai bheem jai mulnivasi

DEVADASI - how upper cast people exploited lower cast women in India

Devadasi system is a hindu religious practice in parts of southern India, including Andhra Pradesh. A mulnivasi girl-child is married to a deity(god) or a temple.

That particular god or temple becomes her husband.The marriage usually occurs before the girl reaches puberty, and the girl to become a prostitute for upper-caste community members. Such girls are known as JOGINI. They are forbidden(not allowed) to enter into a real marriage.

Our so called sacred Hindu Religious beliefs and caste system, have been recognized as the stimulants behind the perpetuation of this ugly phenomenon.

The begining could be perhaps mapped out in the inscription found in temples.

"The word ‘’Emperumandiyar’’ which was used in the sense of Vaishnavas before 966 A.D, got the meaning of dancing girls, attached to Vishnu temples.

In inscriptions of about 1230-1240 A.D. in the time of Raja Raya III. [Raghavacharya: I,118], in Maharashtra, they are called 'Devadasis' meaning female servants of God'.

It should also be noted that the emergence of the "devadasis" has been linked to the downfall of Buddhism in India." The fact that devadasis were Buddhist nuns(mulnivasis) can be deduced from many evidences.

Devadasi system is unknown to ancient India. Why because, ancient Jaatakas, Kautillya or Vatsayana did not mention them, but later puranas found them useful.

The system started only after the fall of Buddhism and records of them start appearing around 1000 A.D." [bharatiya sanskruti kosh, IV, 448]. It is viewed that the "devadasis" are the Buddhist nuns(mulnivasis) who were degraded to the level of prostitutes, after the temples were taken over by the Brahmins during the times of their resurgence after the fall of Buddhism.

The Devadasi system was set up, according to a Times of India report (10-11-1987) as a result of a conspiracy between the feudal class(uppercast landlords) and the priests (Brahmins). The brahmins, with their ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a means that gave prostitution their religious sanction in the name of God

Poor low-caste girls, initially sold at private auctions, were later dedicated to the temples. They were then initiated into prostitution.

One can refer to the list put forward by the famous Indian scholar Jogan Shankar to determine the evolution of the system. According to him, the following are the reasons which played a major role in supplanting the system with firm roots:

"1. as a substitute for human sacrifice(foolish hindu religious belief)

2. as a rite to ensure the fertility of the land and the increase of

human being and animal population.

3. sprang from the custom of providing sexual hospitality to strangers

by upper cast people.

4. licentious worship offered by a Brahmins , subservient to a degraded and

vested interests of priestly Class.

5. And lastly, to create custom in order to exploit lower caste people in India

by upper castes and classes.

On the basis of the historical studies and research one can see the way the Brahmins established "sacred prostituion" in the name of hindu gods, and grew to become a part of the Indian society.

"Vasant Rajas, "Devdasi: Shodha ani bodha", (marathi), Sugava Prakashan, Pune, 1997, mentions of an inscription of 1004 A.D., in Tanjor Temple says that

the numbers of devdasis(mulnivasi women) to be 400 in Tanjor

450 devadasis (mulnivasi women) in Brahideswara temple and

500 devasasis (mulnivasi women) in Sorti Somnath temple."

"According to Chau Ju-Kua, Gujarat contained nearly 4000 temples

in which lived over 20,000 devadasis (mulnivasi prostitutes) whose function was to sing and dance twice daily in front of upper cast people while offering food to the deities and while presenting flowers.

" Eminent Indian historians like R.C Mazumder and U.N Ghoshal have corroborated these facts. They have acknowledged the "high propertion" in the number of the "devadasis(mulnivasis)"in the temples during the medieval period.

So my dear mulnivasi brothers, it’s a shame on us to pray to Brahmins and their ugly Hindu Gods who made thousands of our mulnivasi mothers and sisters as prostitutes.

We should feel ashamed to go their temples and bow our head in frount of a Brahmins.

Every mulnivasi (sc, st, obc ) should realize that we are being exploited by uppercast people.

Every mulnivasi should protest this. We should fight for rights and human dignity.

For this it is very important to know our history (who are we? and why we become lower cast? who made us low casts? etc)

Our history will be posted soon.

Jai mulnivasi-----------jai bheem

Jakhu B.S. Spain


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