

DEVADASI - how upper cast people exploited lower cast women in India Devadasi system is a Brahmanical religious practice in parts of southern India, including Andhra Pradesh. A mulnivasi girl-child is married to a deity (god) or a temple.That particular god or temple becomes her husband. The marriage usually occurs before the girl reaches puberty, and the girl to become a prostitute for upper-caste community members. Such girls are known as JOGINI. They are forbidden(not allowed) to enter into a real marriage.Our so called sacred Brahmanical Religious beliefs and caste system, have been recognized as the stimulants behind the perpetuation of this ugly phenomenon. The beginning could be perhaps mapped out in the inscription found in temples. "The word ‘’Emperumandiyar’’ which was used in the sense of Vaishnavas before 966 A.D, got the meaning of dancing girls, attached to Vishnu temples. In inscriptions of about 1230-1240 A.D. in the time of Raja Raya III.

[Raghavacharya: I,118], in Maharashtra, they are called 'Devadasis' meaning female servants of God'.

It should also be noted that the emergence of the "devadasis" has been linked to the downfall of Buddhism in India." The fact that devadasis were Buddhist nuns(mulnivasis) can be deduced from many evidences.

Devadasi system is unknown to ancient India. Why because, ancient Jaatakas, Kautillya or Vatsayana did not mention them, but later puranas found them useful. The system started only after the fall of Buddhism and records of them start appearing around 1000 A.D." [bharatiya sanskruti kosh, IV, 448]. It is viewed that the "devadasis" are the Buddhist nuns(mulnivasis) who were degraded to the level of prostitutes, after the temples were taken over by the Brahmins during the times of their resurgence after the fall of Buddhism. The Devadasi system was set up, according to a Times of India report (10-11-1987) as a result of a conspiracy between the feudal class(uppercast landlords) and the priests (Brahmins). The brahmins, with their ideological and religious hold over the peasants and craftsmen, devised a means that gave prostitution their religious sanction in the name of God. Poor low-caste girls, initially sold at private auctions, were later dedicated to the temples. They

were then initiated into prostitution.

One can refer to the list put forward by the famous Indian scholar Jogan Shankar to determine the evolution of the system. According to him, the following are the reasons which played a major role in supplanting the system with firm roots:

"1. as a substitute for human sacrifice(foolish hindu religious belief)

2. as a rite to ensure the fertility of the land and the increase of human being and animal population.

3. sprang from the custom of providing sexual hospitality to strangers by upper cast people.

4. licentious worship offered by a Brahmins , subservient to a degraded and vested interests of priestly Class.

5. And lastly,to create custom in order to exploit lower caste people in India by upper castes and classes.

On the basis of the historical studies and research one can see the way the Brahmins established "sacred prostituion" in the name of hindu gods, and grew to become a part of the Indian society.

"Vasant Rajas, "Devdasi: Shodha ani bodha", (marathi), Sugava Prakashan, Pune, 1997, mentions of an inscription of 1004 A.D., in Tanjor Temple says that the numbers of devdasis(mulnivasi women) to be 400 in Tanjor, 450 devadasis (mulnivasi women) in Brahideswara temple and 500 devasasis (mulnivasi women) in Sorti Somnath temple."

"According to Chau Ju-Kua, Gujarat contained nearly 4000 temples in which lived over 20,000 devadasis (mulnivasi prostitutes) whose function was to sing and dance twice daily in front of upper cast people while offering food to the deities and while presenting flowers. "Eminent Indian historians like R.C Mazumder and U.N Ghoshal have corroborated these facts. They have acknowledged the "high propertion" in the number of the "devadasis(mulnivas is)"in the temples during the medieval period.

So my dear mulnivasi brothers, it’s a shame on us to pray to Brahmins and their ugly Hindu Gods who made thousands of our mulnivasi mothers and sisters as prostitutes. We should feel ashamed to go their temples and bow our head in frount of a Brahmins. Every mulnivasi (sc, st, obc ) should realize that we are being exploited by uppercast people. Every mulnivasi should protest this. We should fight for rights and human dignity. For this it is very important to know our history(who are we? and why we become lower cast? who made us low casts? etc )

Our history will be posted soon.

Jai Mulnivasi--- --------Jai Bheem

Is Gandhi a Mahatma?

Is Gandhi a Mahatma? I am sick of this question. There are two reasons why this question annoys me. Firstly, I hate all the Mahatmas and firmly believe that they should be done away with. I am of the opinion that existence is a curse to the nation in which they are born.

The reason why I say so is because they try to perpetuate blind faith in place of intelligence and reason.

Secondly I do not know what exactly people understand by the word Mahatma.

Even then since the Editor of the 'Chhitra' seems to be so adamant on getting- a reply from me, i have decided to make earnest efforts to answer this question.

Generally speaking according to an ordinary Hindu in order to pass as a Mahatma a person must have three things, namely his robe, his character and his particular doctrine. If these qualities are taken as a criterion for judging a Mahatma then in the eyes of ignorant and uneducated persons who took to wards others for salvation Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi can be called as a Mahatma. It is very easy for anybody to become a Mahatma in India by merely changing his dress. If you are wearing an ordinary dress and leading an ordinary life even if you perform extraordinary noble deeds, nobody takes, any notice of you. But a person who does not behave in normal manner and shows some peculiar trends and abnormalities in his character he becomes a saint or a Mahatma. If you put on a suit or ordinary dress and do something, people would not even like to look at you. But if the same person discards his clothes, runs about naked, grows long hair, abuses people and drinks dirty water from the gutters, people fall at his feet and begin to worship him. In these circumstances if Gandhi becomes Mahatma in India there is nothing surprising. Had these things been practiced in any other civilized country people, would have laughed at him. To a casual observer Gandhi's teachings appear to be" very sweet and appealing. Truth and Non-violence are very noble principles. Gandhi claims to preach 'Satya' (Truth) and 'Ahimsa' (non-violence) and people have so much liked it that they flock around him in thousands. I fail to understand why they do so. Is it not a fact that thousands of years ago Lord Buddha gave the message of truth and non-violence to the world? Nobody excepting an ignorant fool or congenital idiot would give credit to Gandhi for originality in this matter. There is nothing new in the pronouncement that Truth and non-violence' are necessary for the preservation of human civilization. There is nothing new that Gandhi has added to/the maxim. As I have already stated that earlier Lord Buddha taught these principles thousands of years ago. Had Gandhi thrown some light over the intricate problems arising from the experiment of 'Truth and non-violence' this would have added luster to his Mahatma ship and the world would have remained under gratitude for ever. World is anxiously waiting for the solution of the two riddles, namely how to uphold the noble principle, of 'truth' and under what circumstances should violence be considered as 'right action'. Lord Buddha preached that attitude towards 'Truth' and 'Non-violence' should be pragmatic. What answer Jesus Christ would have given to this question, unfortunately we have no means to know. Perhaps Pilate did not allow him time enough to answer this question. Has Gandhi answered this question? I do not find it anywhere. If we study his teachings and sermons we find that he is trading on other people's capital. Truth' and 'Non-violence' are not his original discoveries. When I seriously study Gandhi's character 1 become exceedingly convinced that cunningness is more evident in his character than the seriousness or sincerity.

According to me his actions can be likened to a base coin. His politeness is like the politeness of Ura Heap, one of the characters in the famous English novel 'David Copperfield'. He has managed to keep himself in the fore front by means of cunning and inherent shrewdness. A person who has faith in his capacity and character faces the reality of life in a bold and manly manner. He has no need to keep a dagger up his sleeve. Napoleon always charged from the, front. He did not believe in treachery and never attacked from behind. Treachery and deceit are weapons of the weak. Gandhi has always used these weapons. For many years he had been declaring himself to be a humble disciple of Gokhale. Thereafter he had been admiring Tilak for many years. Afterwards he hated Tilak also. Everybody knows this. Everybody knows that unless he used the name of Tilak for raising funds he could not have collected 10000000 for Swarajya Fund. Forgetting his personal relation and leaving aside other considerations, like a shrewd politician he attached the name of Tilak to the Fund.

Gandhi was a staunch opponent of Christian religion. In order to please the Western world he often quoted from the Bible in times of crisis. In order to understand the working of his mind I have two other instances to quote.

During the Round Table Conference he told people, I shall not raise any objection against the demands presented by the representatives of the Depressed Classes. But, as soon as the representatives of the Depressed Classes people placed their demands, Gandhi quietly forgot about the assurances given by him. I call it a betrayal of the people belonging to the Depressed Classes. He went to the Moslems and told them that he would support their 14 Demands if they in turn opposed the demands placed by the representatives of the Depressed Classes. Even a scoundrel would not have done this. This is only one instance of Gandhi's treachery.

Nehru Committee's Report was presented in the open session of the Congress for discussion. Some amendments were to be made in the Report. All of you must know about it. Mr.Jayakar was hired by Mr. Gandhi to oppose these amendments. These amendments were very vehemently opposed by Mr. Jayakar and his supporters. This is known to many people. But what were these amendments and why so were these forcefully opposed? Not many people know the background of these amendments. I came to know about the opposition of Jayakar (it is a fact I have no reason to question the truth about it) from people who had opposed the amendments. All this was made known by Pandit Motilal Nehru, and Mr. Jinnah who was betrayed by Mr. Gandhi. The corrections which were proposed to be made in the Nehru Committee Report were suggested by Mr. Jinnah for the benefit of his community. But when Gandhi came to know about it he thought a great deal more had been given to the Muslims by Pandit Motilal Nehru than what he wanted to give originally.

In order to humiliate Pt. Motilal Nehru he vehemently opposed these proposals. Hindu Muslim hostility is the result of this deceitful action on the part of Gandhi.

The man who was considered to be a friend of the Untouchables and the Muslims betrayed the cause of the very same people whose cause he claimed to champion. This immensely pained me. There is, an old saying which befits the occasion (Bagal men chhuri Munh men Ram Ram); 'God's name on the lips and dagger under the arm'. If such a person can be called a Mahatma, by all means call Gandhi a Mahatma. According to me he is no more than a simple Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

I have given more than what the Editor of the 'Chittra' demanded. I must have told a great deal more than what the readers of the Chittra can digest.

Apart from the incidents quoted herein there are two more things that I shall tell and then close. Gandhi's age can be called as the Tamo Yug' of India. Gandhi was the man responsible for eliminating morality from politics and instead introduced commercialism in Indian politics. Politics has been denuded of its virtue. "When the salt has lost its savor, wherewith ye shall salt it" asked Jesus Christ of the Pharisees. How to get rid of the pernicious saintly idiosyncrasies of Gandhiji in Indian public life is the second and most important question. If the Hindu India does not realize it today it will take a long time to retrace its steps. Majority of the Indian population is illiterate, ignorant and uncivilized. This may not be the fault of the people. The privileged few of the society have deliberately kept the masses ignorant and illiterate. As a matter of fact it is impossible to fight against the Mahatma on the strength purely of logic and rationalism. It is fight between intellectualism against miracles and idiosyncrasies. Reason alone cannot wipe off the hypnotic effect of Mahatmic miracles. In these circumstances I would like to offer some suggestions. In order to put an end to the activities of the Mahatma other Mahatmas should come forward to take active part in Indian public life and set up a political wing of their own. There is no dearth of the Mahatmas in India. Upasani Buva, Dada Maharaj, Mehar Baba, Narayan Buva Kedgaonkar are some of the famous names. Numerous saints and 'Mahatmas' are present in India. They know the art of befooling and ensnaring the innocent people. True, the number of their followers is far less than the followers of Gandhi but their incapacity or lack of ability alone cannot be the reason for that. They have the ability and the strength to attain freedom along with the Salvation for their Hindu masses. There are many reasons why they have not been able to know this. Owing to his dual policy and duplicity of character Gandhiji was able to succeed in creating a following by promising to attain spiritual and political liberation for all. I believe that if Upasani Baba, Narayan Maharaj etcetra adopt the methods of Gandhiji undoubtedly they too would be able to establish the wing which can effectively face the blind followers of Gandhi. In this lies India's salvation. Having a number of parties in the country will be beneficial to this country at least for the time being. If an organization is set up with these aims and objects it would be able to serve the same purpose as was served by the Apsaras of the Puranas namely the annihilation of their adversaries. And if this does not happen and this organization remains reactionary even then its existence would be useful. In this way at least the pernicious creed of Fascism which is spreading its tentacles all around will be stalled. I believe that if a Mahatma comes and places his Manifesto stating in a straight forward manner that he can achieve Salvation perhaps India will attain intellectual liberation. This is not a joke. This is no vilification or criticism of anybody. I am writing it with all the seriousness that I can command.

Will the Hindus by changing the minds of the Mahatmas like Dada Maharaj, Mehar Bawa or Narayan Bawa try to serve India?

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar

Chittra (Marathi) Dipavali Special Number, J


Dravidians and Nagas are one and the same people

Who are the Dravidians? Are they different from the Nagas? Or are they two different names for a people of the same race? It is a fact that the term Dravidians and Nagas are merely two different names for the same people. It is not to be denied that very few will be prepared to admit the proposition that the Dravidians and Nagas are merely two different names for the same people and fewer that the Dravidians as Nagas occupied not merely South India but that they occupied the whole of India—South as well as North. Nonetheless these are historical truths.

Nagas and Dravidians are one and the same people. Even with this much of proof, people may not be found ready to accept the thesis. The chief difficulty in the way of accepting it lies in the designation of the people of South India by the name Dravidian. It is natural for them to ask why the term Dravidian has come to be restricted to the people of South India if they are really Nagas. Critics are bound to ask: If the Dravidians and the Nagas are the same people, why is the name Nagas not used to designate people of South India also………….

The word ‘Dravida’ is not an original word. It is the sanskritized form of the word ‘Tamil’. The original word ‘Tamil’ when imported into Sanskrit became ‘Damilla’ and later on ‘Damita’ became Dravida. The word Dravida is the name of the language of the people and does not denote the race of the people. The third thing to remember is that Tamil or Dravida was not merely the language of South India but before the Aryans came it was the language of the whole of India, and was spoken from Kashmir to Cape Comorin. In fact, it was the language of the Nagas throughout India. The next thing to note is the contact between the Aryans and the Nagas and the effect it produced on the Nagas and their language.

Strange as it may appear the effect of this contact on the Nagas of North India was quite different from the effect it produced on the Nagas of South India. The Nagas in North India gave up Tamil which was their mother tongue and adopted Sanskrit in its place. The Nagas in South India retained Tamil as their mother tongue and did not adopt Sanskrit the language of the Aryans. If this difference is borne in mind it will help to explain why the name Dravida came to be applied only for the people of South India. The necessity for the application of the name Dravida to the Nagas of Northern India had ceased because they had ceased to speak the Dravida language. But so far as the Nagas of South India are concerned not only the propriety of calling them Dravida had remained in view of their adherence to the Dravida language but the necessity of calling them Dravida had become very urgent in view of their being the only people speaking the Dravida language after the Nagas of North had ceased to use it. This is the real reason why the people of South India have come to be called Dravidians.

The special application of the word Dravida for the people of South India must not, therefore, obscure the fact that the Nagas and Dravidas are the one and the same people. They are only two different names for the same people. Nagas was a racial or cultural name and Dravida was their linguistic name. Thus the Dasas are the same as the Nagas and the Nagas are the same as the Dravidians. In other words what we can say about the races of India is that there have been at the most only two races in the field, the Aryans and the Nagas.


Social Polarisation of SCs and OBCs can destroy brahminical system Hence, through communists, they are trying to break it

Mr, D.K. Khaparde, leading functionary of BAMCEF presided over the session. In his presidential address he said that one peculiar question is disturbing our mind today. The question is that revolutionary circumstances have been created in the country, but revolution is not taking place. It has become a riddle as to how revolution can take place. Only because revolutionary circumstances have been created in the country revolution will not come. To bring about revolution, many other things are needed. The objective of BAMCEF is change of system. It is being repeatedly mentioned here. We are also saying that circumstances for change of system are already existing in the country. But the actual change is not taking place. Why this change of system is not taking place? To understand its complexities, we have kept this topic for discussion today,

Before understanding what we mean by "Vyavastha Parivartan"? Change in the power structure of the country means change of system, How it will be done? To achieve this objective the first requirement is of social change. Then second requirement is political change and in the end there will come change of system. Social change means, those oppressed and ruled castes who need change of system, there must be refixation and re-establishment in their mutual relations. Brahmin-vad is a system and it has got a definite ideology on the basis of which this system is standing and standing firmly since last two thousand years. Hence if we want to change the system of Brahmin-Vad. then we must change its ideology Today, the mutual relations of the oppressed castes have been fixed in accordance with brahminical ideology. The foundation of it is "Graded Inequality", Unless and until the mutual relations of these oppressed communities, which are fixed on the basis of graded inequality, there can not be a social change. And unless there is a social change, there can not be a political change. Because, due to this inequality existing in their mutual relations, the political.behavior of these oppressed and ruled castes is different, un-united and some lime mutually contradictory. Therefore; because of the reflation and re-establishment of their mutual relations, these castes will be able to rise as one society. Then, their political behavior and action will be one and similar. This will bring political change in the country and then this change can be used for change of system.

There are four pre-conditions without fulfillment of which change of system it not possible. The first and foremost precondition is to have a common objective of all those oppressed castes, who need change of system Today they do not have common objective It is a bitter truth, The second pre-condition is to have a common ideology. It can nto be Gandhi-ism. Lohiya-ism or Marxism. This ideology can only be Phuley Ambedkarism. Today the oppressed and ruled castes are yet to acquire one ideology. But the process has began. In any condition, these castes

will have to bring together on the basis of this common ideology of Phuley-Ambedkarisrn. The third pre-condition is development of leadership among these castes. Even among'them, those castes, which are most backward like SCs/STs and M.B.C., the leadership must.be developed among them. Today there are many leaders in these castes. but there is no leadership "working specifically for change of system. It is most lacking. Hence it is necessary to create this leadership among them: The fourth and the last pre condition is social polarisation of SCs and OBCs. Without fulfillment of these four preconditions, you can not achieve the objective of change of system.

When polarisation of SCs and place, if automatically affects other oppressed and ruled castes like STs. The converted minorities, not only get influenced by this polarisation, but it is their demand. We can see it happening in U,P. There, the backward muslims had some time back conducted a special campaign for bringing SCs and OBCs together. Therefore the polarisation of SCs and OBCs has got a potential to bring all the oppressed and ruled communities together. And this polarisation can affect the power structure of the country in a major way, What is this effect? Those ruling and oppressor castes, who are now controlling the power structure of the. country, because of this polarisation, they are bound to loose their control over the power structure and in their : place, the control of the oppressed and ruled caste will be established. How can this happen? We keep on telling our people that political structure is a mere reflection of the social structure. Those castes, which are considered to be degraded and rightless in social structure, the same castes are degraded and rightless in power structure also. When these castes rise up in social structure, they are bound to rise up in power structure also. Therefore it is necessary to have a change in social relations of these oppressed and ruled communities, which are established on the basis of inequality and conflict, are refixed and re established on the basis of equality and brotherhood. This will bring change in political structure and there will be a revolution in the country.

Today, the OBCs have come up in political power on a large scale. But still, change of system is not taking place. Because, this political power is not being used for bringing change of system. Instead it is being used to strengthen the existing brahminical system. These OBCs are enjoying power within the limitations of existing system and hence change of system is not taking place. Because the polarisation of SCs and OBCs has not taken place. The immediate result of such a polarisation is that the brahmins and upper castes loose their domination. Hence, the ruling castes are not allowing the polarisation of SCs and OBCs to take place. And to break this polarisation, they are planning in various ways and have adopted different strategies. To prevent the polarisation of SCs and OBCs, they have first adopted the strategy of religious polarisation in the name of Hindutva. But the present circumstances of the country has proved that this strategy of religious polarisation has failed and became ineffective. Along with this, the ruling castes have also come to understand that as a reaction of religious polarisation, the process of social polarisation of SCs and OBCs gets momentum and this creates dangers for the ruling castes. Hence, the ruling castes have prepared another strategy to retain their control over the political structure. This strategy is to use the communist brahmins for the purpose of preventing the polarisation of SCs and OBCs.

Sometimes back, we have seen in U.P. that no political party of upper caste can face the polarisation of SCs and OBCs. Hence, they have now brought forward these psudo communists, who are always giving the slogan of class struggle and unity of oppressed of the world, to break this polarisation. They began their efforts and became successful also in breaking the alliance of SCs and OBCs. In this context, we have to note that RSS-BJP the pro~hindu forces could not break this alliance. At the most, they must have taken some advantage of the situation, but that is also not on large scale. That is why, they are now running this campaign to break the alliance of SCs and OBCs through these pseudo-communists. The communists are very much active today in protecting brahminsm and brahminical interests, Not only that whatever experiments they have concluded in U.P. to break this alliances, they are now extending it throughout the country. In fact 1 would like to go one step ahead and tell our people that today RSS-BJP is not in a position to work for protecting brahiminical interests. Because, the moment they work for this purpose, the SCs and OBCs become united to oppose it, as reaction to their efforts. Hence, today there efforts of protecting brahminical interests are now being made by communists. What is the proof of it? In U.P., B.J.P. has got maximum MPs elected, But very lew of these arc brahmins and large no, of them comes from OBCs. BJP is a brahmin party, but still it could not get more brahmins elected in U.P. Where as CPI (M) is not a brahminical party. But out of the 13 general seats of Lok Sabha in West Bengal, won by communists, 11 of them are brahmins and that too higher brahmins. The remaining two are other upper castes. Not a single M.P. is from OBCs. What more proof we need to prove that at present communists are protecting the brahminical interests.

Secondly, in West Bengal, not a single SC/ ST MLA has been made a cabinet minister. When BJP forms a govt. in any state, it definitely makes SC/ST MLA as Cabinet Minister. They can not do without it. But West Bengal is the only state. where communists have got SC/ST MLAs. but no minister.They say that there is no capable person with them, whom they can make minister. How they, are working for protecting brahminical interests, this is second proof. The third proof is in connection with Mandal Commission. The comniunists have taken a stand that there are no OBCs in West Bengal. Because of certain pressure of circumstances that are developing in the country. we can find some change in their stand. But as a matter of policy, there is no change in their stand. What more proof we need in protecting brahminical interests by communists. The fourth proof in connection with creamy layer. Today, only the communists are very much active in implementation of creamy layer. Through creamy layer, the rulling castes are conspiring to counter the entire reservation policy and in this conspiracy the communists are leading.

It means. BJP and Congress can not work in present circumstances for protecting brahminical interests, if BJP comes forward for this purpose, there is a direct opposition and as a reaction of this, the polarisation of SCs and OBCs gets strengthened. That is why pro-hindu forces can not become successful. Congress is also a brahminical party. But it can not do any thing to protect brahminical interests, since it is struggling for its existence and in its endeavor to save its existence, it has fallen on the feet of very those people in U.P. who have been degraded most by brahminical system. Therefore, the brahmins have in well planned manner, given this responsibility of protecting the brahminical interests to brahmin communists and Marxists. And today these people are playing their active role in this area. It is this activism of communists that has lead to breaking a mutual understanding and coordination between Kanshi Ram and Mulayam Singh Yadav, The communists have played a big role in keeping BSP out and including S.P. in United Front. These are very recent developments. When Laloo Prasad Yadav president of Janata Dal tried to have political alliance with BSP for parliamentary elections, Harkishan Singh Surjeet of CPI (M) gave a threat that if Janata Dal forms alliance with BSP, they will not join this front. He used veto against BSP.

Mr. D.K. Khaparde in his speech charged that these efforts of communists to protect the brahminical interests has created political instability in the country and it can be seen more vigorously in UP. in U.P. no party can form a govt. without having alliance with BSP. But the communists are preventing this alliance and are spreading political instability. What we have seen in.north India is that when the social relations of the oppressed castes get-reestablished on the basis of equality and brotherhood, the process of making Bahujan Samaj gains momentum and in the same proportion the communists forces become weak. This is the phenomenon that is going on in north India since past few years. The communists have lost enough ground. The biggest example of this is U.P.and Punjab. In Punjab, the condition of communists has become so worst that their biggest leader Harkishan Singh Surjit can not get elected even as Punchatyat member in his own village, but he-dictates terms to the U.F. govt From where he is getting strength to do so? Certainly not from Punjab, but from West Bangal. Here the brahmins have played another trick. What they found is that it is not possible for a brahmin, even if he is communists, to break the polarization of SCs and OBCs. Hence, they have brought forward Harkishan Singh Surjit, a non-brahmin feudalistic person to break this alliance. Why is it so? Because neither BJP nor Congress is capable today to protect brahmanical rule, brahminism and brahmin culture..Hence the comniunists have taken up this responsibility on their shoulders. This is the present picture of the socio-political situation of the country.

Now the foremost question that strikes our mind is, what is the remedy on this problem? The polarisation of the SCs and OBCs in U.P. was infact not a polarisation. It was only a political alliance. And it was between two political leaders. Kanshi Ram from SC and Mulayam Singh from OBC. It is not a proper way of polarisation. They came together to acquire political power and the same power was cause of conflict between them and they parted their ways. What could have actually happened is that, when they came together and got political power, they could have used it to bring change of system. But the same power divided them. Therefore political polarisation is

we will have to do two. things. One is that the oppressed and ruled castes are attached with one or other ideology or organisation, whether it is Hindutva organisation, or socialists or communists. They have a polarization with them. Hence without breaking them from these ideologies and organisation, we can not unite them, with Phuley-Ambedkarite ideology of social change. Hence it is necessary to separate them. Who can do this work? Certainly, those people who consider themselves as Phuley-Ambedkarite. it becomes their duty, to first separate them and then unite them. If BAMCEF activists consider themselves as Phuley-Ambedkarite and are committed to this movement, then they must take initiative in separating the oppressed castes from their present ideologies and organisation and then unite them with Phuley-Ambedkarism. But there is a big hurdle in this work. Today, whatever identity of Phuley and his movement has been established in the country, it has been done by BAMCEF. And the majority of the activists of BAMCEF comes from SCs. These SC employees have established the identity of Phuley and his movement in the country. They have not done this, out of same obligation on Phuley. They have done it and are still doing it, because that is the requirement of social polarization. But despite of these efforts on their part, the OBCs have not been able to understand Phuley's movement and its significance. But the process has begun. Hence we will have to take initiative in removing this hurdle, which is hampering the process of social polarization.

Secondly, the brahminical system is based on the concept of graded inequality. In this system of graded inequality, the position of OBCs is very peculiar. They are neither high nor low.When they compare themselves with brahmins, they think that they are low caste. But when they compare themselves with SCs, they think that they are upper castes. Hence, they re neither high nor low castes. This mental conflict among them is creating a biggest hurdle in their social polarization. Hence to remove this hurdle, they will have to understand the Phuley-Ambedkarite ideology and movement especially the ideology and movement of Phuley, This can bring social polarization of SCs and OBCs and will bring social change. This social change will result into political changeAnd then, this not political change can be used to bring about a change of system Knowing all things fully well the communists are trying to break this social polarization of SCs and OBCs. We will have to understand all these things, their conspiracies and strategies and do our work in a planned manner.

"The Arya-Brahmanical forces wants to reserve 100% jobs in services for themselves, thats why they are sabotaging the reservation system and bringing towards its end"

Reservation is the tool provided by the con stitution to interfere within the system. Most of the people who had got into service through reservation don't know this fact Most of the intellectuals arc of the opinion that reservation is provided only to get service and nothing else. Once our intellectual get's into service, they forget everything. So there is a need of a elaborate discussion on this subject. These were the views expressed by Mr.Waman Meshram, Na tional President. BAMCEF. while concluding the ses sion of fourth Delhi state convention which was or ganized at community center. Karol Bagh. New Delhi on 15lh October 2002 (Dussera Day)

Speaking further he said that most of the in tellectuals or employees knew that after every 10 years the reservation gets extended for another 10 years. But they don't know which reservation gets extended. There are two types of reservation. One is political reservation and other is related to service or employment. After every 10 years the political reservation gets extended, but our employees thinks that the reservation in service gets extended. Article 330 and 332 only gets amended after every 10 years. Even our advocates arc unaware of this development, what to talk of other employees or common man? The Arya Brahmimcal toilet papers also propagates that the reservation in services has been extended for 10 years. Even prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpeyee annouched in his speech on 15th August that the res ervation has been extended for another 10 years. His speech is listened by crores of people, wheareas my voice is listened by 500 delegates attending this con vention. Also these 500 delegates after listening the speech even don't propagate it in field. They keep the views with themselves. That is the problem. Reservation is getting ended day by day. But our people arc totally unaware of it. They don't know how it is going towards end. What conspiracies had been played and is being played to get it sabotaged, our people are not knowing. If the beneficiaries of reservations are not knowing the root cause of sabo taging the reservation, how they will stood against the enemies who are playing the conspiracies.

Our people also don't know about their ori gin and their own history By knowing history one will come to know who is the creator of reservation and who is the destroyer of it. In 1982 there was some anti-reservation movement in Gujarat I went there for addressing some program. One of the professor present in the gathering approached me and asked me that Gandhiji had given us reservation, but I am not getting why the people in Gujarat are demonstrat ing near the statue of Gandhiji and that too against the reservation. I told him that the people sitting infront of the Gandhiji's statue are not mad. they are doing write thing, because they know their history. They arc well aware that Gandhiji was the pioneer of anti reservation movement Gandhiji was the first person who went for fast for opposing the political reserva tion which Dr. Ambedkar snatched it from the Britishers. The fast resulted into creating nationwide public opinion in favour of anti-reservation and also in favour of Gandhiji The demon who has been awak ened today is the same demon which was awaken by Gandhiji There are three types of reservation. One is political reservation through which 119 SC/ST MP's gets elected in the parliament and also 1050 MLA's get elected Second is reservation in services. Third is the reservation in education, specially professional education Speciality among all these three types of reservation is that the political reservation is get implimcntcd cent percent. The reservation in services and educated is not implemented. Ther^e is not any demand from the society to extend the political reser vation, but still after even 10 years it gets extended to further 10 years. Because this political reservation helps in creating stooges, which can dance to their tunes.

There are hundreds of constitutional judge ment/provisions, but not a single rule even atter 54 years of independane had been made for implement ing reservation. There is only executive order. There is no act If there could have been any act, then there would have the provision of punishment for non-imple-mcnting the act There is a provision of punishment for roberry. murder, but still the roberry or murder had not stopped till date. As far as reservation con ccrned. there is no act, then hofv it yvill get imple mented or how anybody will get punished. All the executives arc knowing that there is no rule or act made in the constitution for non-implementing the res ervation, then why should we worry? Why he should implement it. if there in no provision of punishment? There are hundreds of examplcs of how these Arya Brahmins had sabotaged reservation and brought towards its logical end Previously there was vacancy based roster, which was benefiting SC/ST/OBC people. In this system whatever the posts it may be. but it was divided as per reservation percentage meant for SC/ST/OBC & General. Since this system was benefiting the indigenous and more and more people were getting benefit of it.

Soon our enemy changed the vacancy based roster system into post based ros ter system. In this system every post is assigned to particular category and for getting one SC seat, there should be atleast 8 scats of employment. Among 8 seats, the 7th no. will be given to SC category and 13th one to ST category If there are less than 7 ap pointments at a time, not a single one will be given to SC/ST This way they are play ing the conspiracy. Previously all the 7 seats were distributed among SC/ ST/OBC and General. But by this new 200 point ros ter system only general condidates will get benefit, and not the Indigenous one. Also there is 50% job reservation for 15% general category people. But by this 200 point roster system this 50% reservation will rise to 75 to 85%. Mulnivasi Bahujans, who consti tutes 85% of the population will get 15% reservation. They had also cancelled reservation in single post. They had also given the decision that their will be no reservation in super specialty courses, military, judi ciary areas. Our enemy has one typical answer for every question and that is The candidates are not available and those who are available are no suit able". Now they had even crossed this limit. There was one recent-example in Delhi Subordinate ser vice selections Board's(DSSSB) appointments. DSSSB had brought new circular say ing that the mi grated people will not get any benefit of reservation in Delhi. There was one candidate who originally be longed to Uttar Pradesh but now settled in Delhi. He belonged to Chamar caste He applied for the teach ers post and ranked in the General list. He was among the toppers of General candidates But still he did not get selected as teacher.

The reason that was told was while filling up the application form the candidate had declared himself as Chamar and that too of Uttar Pradesh, so he is migrant from UP to Delhi. Since he is migrant, he will not get any reservation benefit. So he will be considered as general. But he will also not get the general seat, though he has ranked himself in the general list, because he has declared himself as Chamar in the application form So he is neither a Chamar by caste nor he is considered in general list. So who he is Is the question before us.

Last year prime minister Atal Bihari declared in parliament to fill up 3 lakh 57 thousands backlog vacancies. When this issue was brought up for dis cussion in the parliament. Mr Ram Jethmalani was a law minister. One of the parliamentarian asked a simple question to Jethmalanijii that what is the deadline he had put to fill up the backlog vacancies To this Jethmalaniji said that he have not yet thought of it. That assurance is still on the record of parliament and to our information till date no vacancy have been filled out of 3 lakh 57 thousand vacancies. But the reality is something else. The rulling caste conspiried something else and propagated something else in the media. Before this rule there was no 50% ceiling on reservation word in the constitution, but by taking our names Atal Bihari very smoothly introduced the "50% ceiling" word in the constitution and the supreme Court ruling had changed it into constitutional provision and now has became mandatory for one and all.

There is provision of reservation in Bihar state for most Backward classes. But there is no reserva tion at cenral level jobs for most backward classes, as center has not prepared any list of most Back ward class There is almost 10 crore population of most Backward classes throughtout India among the population of 102 crore of India The population of America is 25 crore. So almost half of the population of America is the population of most Backward classes in India In Maharashra State these tribes are called under the name of NT.DT. VJNT.

One new development had arisen and that I came to know from one of the full time activist from Kerala. He passed on the information that the state Government had excluded the names of 5 castes from the scheduled caste list of Kerala. The state Govern ment is not the authentic authority to exclude any body's name from the list. There is congress Govt. in Kerala. Same is the government in Delhi. Our people are nearer to congress. They are fan of congress. Our people elected the congress Govt. in Delhi and now inturn they are ending the reservation system itself on which the SC/ST/OBC people are standing. The Delhi Govt. had brought back new policy. They had observed that more than 9.5% people of Delhi is the migrant one. And those people who had migrated from other developed states are awakening the soci ety, which will be dangerous to them in coming fu ture. So they came out with new policy. They had brought the new circular that the other state SC/ST/ OBC people will not get the reservation benefit in Delhi and resident of Delhi will be considered to those who had came to Delhi before 20/09/1951. So it is an unimaginable task as there was no documentation in 1951 and if by any chance it would have been there, then one will not get it after 52 years. Our enemy is very clear. They don't want to give reservation to the residents of Delhi as well as to the migrants. So there will be 100% reservation of seats for the general cat egory candidates. And the Mulnivasi Bahujans will get nothing. So 100% reservation will be there for 15% general people. So where we are? All the forth coming generations will become handicap and indi rectly will become slave of Arya Brahmins.

So it is the duty of every Mulnivasi Bahujan to awaken their co-brothers on this particular issue and form their own strength to fight against their pre determined enemy.

Gandhiji had said, "People call me a Mahatma, but Jotirao Phule was a true Mahatma". -Haribhau Narke

This is the biggest ground in Mumbai. On 6th December people from all over India come to pay their respects to Dr. Ambedkar at Chaitya Bhoomi which is just adjacent to this Shivaji Park. I am witnessing this for the first time that thousands of people have come to pay their re¬spects to Babasaheb on 16th April. I have seen many a rallies before but I have never witnessed such discipline and I have never seen such a constructive programme on the ideology of our forefathers. I wish to thank BAMCEF for this. Many rallies are organized on 14th April. This is the first highly disciplined rally which has been organized on the basis of sound ideology and constructive programme and attended by people who have come from all corners of the our country.

I want to start my speech by telling you a small story. There was a King, he had a Queen. The Queen fell ill. The king sent for the Doctors. The medicines couldn't cure the Queen. The King was worried. One day the Royal Astrologer told the King that the Queen could be cured of her illness if she was fed the flesh of RajHansa daily. The King ordered that the Rajhansa should be brought immediately and its flesh to be fed to the Queen. The sol¬diers knew that there were Rajhansas near the lake in the forest. The soldiers started killing the Rajhansas with their arrows. The flesh of the Rajhansas was fed to the Queen daily. The Queen's health began to improve. But one day the soldiers returned empty handed and crest-fallen. They explained to the King that the Rajhansas flee immediately on seeing the ap¬proaching soldiers. The Rajhansas have real¬ized that the soldiers are killers who want to kill them. The King then asked the Royal Astrolo¬ger to solve this problem. The Royal Astrolo¬ger said, "You make a mistake. The Rajhansas immediately identify the soldiers by their uni-forms. Hence they flee away on seeing the soldiers. You should change the dress of the soldiers. You should send a soldier in the garb of a Sadhu." The King did accordingly. The Rajhansa couldn't see through the disguise and thought the soldier was only a Sadhu, just a Brahmin. The Rajhansa felt that there was nothing to fear from this Sadhu and it went nearer to the soldier. The soldier immediately shot an arrow at the Rajhansa and killed it.

The gist of this story is that the Rajhansa was not able to see that the soldier had come to kill it disguised as a Sadhu. But we are hu¬man beings. How can we commit the same mistake? We should have our own strategy to identify the killer. We should have an ideology. The killer will always approach us in different disguises. He will also resort to such disguises so that we make a mistake and join him. In In¬dia a killer in the disguise of a Sadhu will be hailed and idolized and worshipped. The killer will not always commit the same mistake. He will use different disguises on different occa¬sions.

It has been told that the Varna Vyavastha of four Varnas disintegrated into 6000 castes. But the Brahman Varna' in the Varna Vyavastha is both Varna as well as Caste. The same is not true of the other Varnas. There is no caste by the name of Kshattriya, Vaishya and Shudra. These are Varnas and there are thousands of castes in these Varnas. The Brahmins have their own logo, an antenna i.e. their Janevu. Thus it is easy to identify the Brahmins in India. The Brahmin comes to recite the Mantras in religious ceremonies organized by the Kshattriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. As the Mantras are in Sanskrit we do not know what they actually mean; what the Brahmins want us to commit. He makes us confess on a bond paper that, 'the universe has been designed by God himself. Brahmins were born from the mouth, Kshattriyas from the shoulders, Vaishyas from the thighs and Shudras from the feet. As this system i.e. Varna Vyavastha is for the benefit of mankind we swore to preserve it'. The Brahmins make us swear to preserve this Varna Vyavastha on the occasion of every wed¬ding and religious ceremony. And we do it. We do not realize that we are actually writing on a stamp paper that even if the Brahmins kick us we will readily accept those kicks; we are ready to give them the right to exploit us. And we do this with full contentment. We do not realize what we are actually doing.

On the other hand there is an ideology which strives to unite the different castes to¬gether. This ideology is Phule-Ambedkarite ide¬ology. But we are unable to provide even a proper introduction of this ideology to our people. We can give some examples to the people of what our great forefathers did to unite the thou¬sands of castes.

In the BAMCEF International Confer¬ence held in London in Septemeber 2005, Bhagmal Pagal who had worked with Babasaheb told us that when a dispute arose between Gandhi and Babasaheb on some is¬sues during the Round Table Conference of 1932, people from all over the country sent let¬ters and telegrams in support of Babasaheb. People from the Valmiki caste and the Bhangi caste from Punjab sent letters, signed in blood, to Babasaheb. In those Ietters they wrote, "Gandhi is not our leader. Our leader is Babasaheb Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. Our relation with Babasaheb is a relation of blood. That is why we are sending this letter signed in blood. Babasaheb's blood and our blood are one and the same. You will not find any disloyalty in this blood". The people of Maharashtra believe that Babasaheb got huge support only from Maharashtra. But this is not true. But if we in¬form the people of this work that our Valmiki brothers did in 1932 then people will know what loyalty really is! This is the way to show affec¬tion towards Babasaheb. All these people were with Babasaheb with zeal and honesty.

In Maharashtra Dadasaheb Gaikwad and Amrutrao Rankhambe was one of the lead¬ers in Babasaheb's movement. A problem arose before Babasaheb while allotting the tickets for the 1936 elections. There was a single ticket and the candidates were two. The problem was which candidate should be given the ticket? Babasaheb had declared in a Conference in Yeola, "Even though I am born as a Hindu, I shall not die as a Hindu". Amrutrao Rankhambe was the organizer of that Yeola conference. He was a wealthy man. Babasaheb summoned Amrutrao and told him, "If I give you the ticket, people will say that Babasaheb gives tickets only to the rich candidates. I think that I should not give you the ticket. Both of you are good activ¬ists. In the future I shall give you an opportunity. But now try to understand the problem". Amrutrao Rankhambe did not understand and he rebelled. He deserted Babasaheb and went to a different party. On the day Amrutrao de¬serted Babasaheb, Radhabai Jadhav who was Amrutrao's only sister went to him and asked him whether it was true that he left Babasaheb. Amrutrao told her that Babasaheb had done him injustice by not giving the party ticket. Radhabai then said to her brother, "You cannot understand the compulsions of Babasaheb but we all do. Babasaheb bestowed such affections on you and still you deserted him. I have come to bid farewell to you. Till such time you were with Babasaheb, I considered you as my brother. From now onwards, I am dead for you as you shall be for me."

The illiterate Radhabai Jadhav did not attend the funeral of Amrutrao, her only brother, when he died. Those who deserted Babasaheb do not belong to us. Those who abandon the ideology they cannot belong to us whoever they are. Our thoughts have to be same if we are to relate to each other. Only the relation between people having the same thoughts can be called as blood relation.

Our enemy will always try to divide us. He is an expert in this. He profits by dividing us. Till we keep on fighting between ourselves, Brahminism will continue to get stronger. We shall not be successful until and unless we stop fighting between ourselves. Brahminism will be broken down if we stop infighting between us. They misdirect us by telling us false stories. They deceive us by concocting false history. They tell us about the Brahmin Rani Laxmibai who fought bravely against the British. We know now that it was Jhalkari who actually fought and not Lakshmibai. Even if we were to believe that Rani Laxmibai fought on the battlefield with her son strapped up to her back, this is no great achievement.

When Poona was severely hit by a Plague epidemic people started fleeing Pune. Many people died. Many so called leaders fled from Pune. But one woman stood her ground. She went to every house and carried the pa¬tients on her back to the hospital. She gave them medicines. In Mundhwa village near Pune, Pandurang Babaji Gaikwad, an eleven year old boy from the Mahar caste got infected with Plague. When she received this news she im mediately carried the boy on her back to the hospital. The hospital was seven kilometers away. She walked all this way to her son's hos¬pital and admitted this boy. The boy was given medicines and was cured. Later this woman herself got infected with Plague and she died on 10th March 1897. This woman was Savitri Phule!

We applaud greatly the woman who carried her son on her back while she fought on the battlefield (It is proved that she was not Brahmin Lakshmibai but an indigenous woman named Jhalkari).

Is not such a woman worthy of com¬mendation who fights against the system, cures the diseased and dies doing this work? Is this not an act of bravery? Savitri Phule was a Mali by caste and the boy whom she cured was a Mahar by caste. This fact can bind the two castes together. Gandhi said that though people call him a Manama, the true Mahatma is Jotirao Phule. When we submitted this document con¬taining the above statement of Gandhi, the por¬trait of Jotirao Phule was put in the Parliament. We asked them to put the portrait of Jotirao Phule alongside the portraits of Babasaheb and Shivaji Maharaj. The officials opposed by say¬ing that this cannot be done as Jotirao Phule was never a Parliamentarian. We said even Gandhi was never a Member of Parliament. Still his portrait is hanged in the hall of the Parlia¬ment. After these efforts the portrait of Jotirao Phule was placed in the Parliament. When asked to choose the place for the portrait we requested that it be placed between the por¬traits of Shivaji Maharaj and Babasaheb. It was Jotirao Phule who hailed Shivaji by writing his Powada. It was the first Powada ever written on Shivaji. Jotirao Phule also started and cel¬ebrated Shivaji Jayanti. We would have forgot-ten Jotirao Phule were it not for Babasaheb who disseminated the thoughts of Jotirao Phule all over India and abroad. Shivaji—Phule— Babasaheb, it is an ideology, a chain.

It was Jotirao Phule who first demanded Reservation in 1869. Shahu Maharaj imple mented 50% Reservation in his Kolhapur prov¬ince from 26th June 1902. Babasaheb provided Reservation to the Bahujan Samaj by incorpo¬rating articles 340,342,15,16,46 in the Consti¬tution. Shahu Maharaj implemented in his prov¬ince what Jotirao had demanded from the Brit¬ish. Babasaheb fulfilled Jotirao's dream by in¬corporating the right of Reservation in the con¬stitution of India. The name of the boy adopted by Jotirao Phule was Yashwant. Shahu Maharaj's name was Yashwant and Babasaheb had named his son 'Yashwant'.

Some people may feel that these are insignificant things. But these little things will create an emotional environment which will fur¬ther help us to unite our people. Even the thoughts will get fortified. I am sad that other than BAMCEF nobody is doing this work. Some people say that the Brahmins are not our real enemies. The Brahmins do not come to set fire to our houses. This leads to a difference of opin¬ion between the OBC's and the SC's. And this escalates into clashes between the OBCs and the SCs. If we beat a dog with a stick the dog bites the stick instead of the hand. But we are human beings and we should know who is hold¬ing the stick. The ruling castes use different tac¬tics to divide us.

In the Round Table Conference Gandhi opposed Dr. Ambedkar. Dr. Ambedkar asked Mr. Gandhi, "Why are only you opposing me?" Gandhi said, "I would support you if others too do the same. But if others oppose you then I too will have to oppose you." Afterwards Gandhi went to the Muslim league and said that he would accept all their 14 demands but in return they should oppose Dr. Ambedkar. He went to the Sikhs and asked them to do the same. Dr. Ambedkar was shocked when he learnt this. Babasaheb thought that Gandhi was a deceit¬ful person.

In the Mahad Conference held in 20, 21 March 1927 Babasaheb had placed the photo of Gandhi in the pandal. But after 1927 he real¬ized that Gandhi was not what he seemed to be. Mahadevbhai Desai who was private assistant to Gandhi has written that when Babasaheb came to meet Gandhi for the first time, Gandhi did not even look up at Babasaheb. Gandhi pretended to be very busy in his work. When Babasaheb prepared to leave then Gandhi asked him, "When did you come?" Babasaheb thought Gandhi was pur¬posely insulting him. Babasaheb asked Gandhi about his views. Gandhi said that his views are known to all. Gandhi asked Babasaheb for his comment on his views. In that discussion between Gandhi and Babasaheb, Babasaheb had said, "I have no homeland". Gandhi thought perhaps Babasaheb was a Brahmin by caste. He asked Mahadevbhai about this. Mahadevbhai informed him that Babasaheb was an untouchable by caste. Mahadevbhai later wrote in his Diary, "God save this per¬son. This man (Gandhi) wants to become the leader of this country and his general knowl¬edge is so weak that he asks who is Dr. Ambedkar." We need to tell the people with the required proofs about the fight between Dr. Ambedkar and Gandhi.

Unconsciously we strengthen Brahminism by talking of Ram. Ram is a sym¬bol of Brahminism. We should understand what symbols are ours and what symbols are of our enemies, we should understand what should be done to strengthen our¬selves.

Our activists, writers and intellectuals say that Gangadhar Neelkanth Sahastrabudhe (Brahmin) burnt Manusmriti. And people ap¬plaud this. They do not know that indirectly the credit for burning Manusmriti goes to a Brah¬min. We should not forget that Gandhi used to go to the Bhangi Colonies. But what hap¬pened? The Bhangis remained as they were before but Gandhi became famous. The im¬portance of Gandhi increased, his popularity soared. Hence when we give the credit of burn¬ing Manusmriti to a Brahmin we are doing in¬justice to history as well as to Babasaheb. On page 118 in 'Bahishkrut Bharat' Babasaheb has written that the resolution prepared by him for burning Manusmriti was read by Gangadhar Neelkanth Sahastrabudhe. The work of support¬ing the resolution was done by Rajbhoj (Chamar) and Jadhav (Maratha). Thus Babasaheb had given the work of reading out the resolution to a Brahmin. But the work of supporting the resolution was done by activists of the Maratha and Chamar Castes. Further Babasaheb has written specifically on page 118 that the task of burning the Manusmriti was done by the Sadhu-Sants from the untouchable com¬munities. But we give the credit of burning Manusmriti to a Brahmin. We change history by these little things. We say that the Brahmins helped Babasaheb in his work. Among his ac¬tivists were Chitnis, Pradhan, Tipnis, Karnik and Rege. They say that Babasaheb was not against Brahmins, he was against Brahmanya. They say that some Brahmins may be bad but not all are bad. The fact is that Tipnis, Chitnis, Pradhan, Karnik and Rege were Kayasthas, i.e. Shudras. But observing the surnames we think that these are Brahmins and we believe it. We commit the same mistake every time. We say that Phule was helped by Brahmins, Babasaheb was helped by Brahmins. The fact is that when Phule started preaching the true history, Brah¬mins deserted him. But the activists who re¬mained till the very end with Phule were Ranba Mahar, Dhuraji Appaji Chamar, Ganu Shivaji Mang, Lahuji Vastad Salave, Usman Shaikh, and Fatima Shaikh. If we make the people aware of these facts then the task of uniting the castes will succeed. If we do the work of propagating the true facts we shall succeed in our cause. In Maharashtra there was a cabinet minister whose wife was a Brahmin. Now he is a Mem¬ber of Parliament. This cabinet minister belongs to the Bahujan Samaj. Once there was a 'Janevu Ceremony (Upanayana Sanskar)' of his wife's brother's son. The minister told his wife that he would attend the ceremony in-spite of his being very busy at the moment so that her family would feel good that a cabinet minister had come to their function. His wife said that she would go alone and he need not come. In spite of this the minister went to attend the cer¬emony. When the ceremony started the Brah¬min Pandit asked every male present to remove his shirt. The, minister thought that it might be a part of this ceremony. He removed his shirt. All the males present in this ceremony had 'Janevu'. Only this cabinet minister didn't. The Brahmin Pandit asked that why he was not wearing a Janevu. The minister replied that he was not a Brahmin. The Brahmin Pandit then asked him to sit outside as non-Brahmins were not allowed to participate in the ceremony. Even though he was a cabinet minister he was not permitted to participate in this ceremony. This minister was greatly disturbed. He took his ve¬hicle and started to leave. His wife came to him and said that he should have listened to her advice. He shouldn't have come. She said to him to go back home. She would come later. The Hindu beliefs say that the wife shouldn't stay at the place where her husband is insulted. But this cabinet minister's Brahmins wife said that she would remain for the ceremony and come later. Did he get respect even though he was a cabinet minister? The Dharmashastras belong to the Brahmins. The Dharmashastras give importance to Brahmins only. When we oppose the Brahmins people say that a few Brahmins are good. We should not forget what Babasaheb had said. He had said that, "Priestly Brahmins and the Secular Brahmins are two arms of the same body". There is no difference between them.

Now we have an opportunity If we pro¬test in India then through BAMCEF International Network our protest will be heard by the whole world. But we have to raise our voice of protest here in India. Our responsibility has increased. Earlier the world was unaware of our protests but now our brothers-sisters are working in all corners of the world. We should tell the OBCs that Babasaheb had resigned for their cause. Babasaheb had fought to secure the right of Reservation to the OBCs. Not only this, a Com¬mission was set up on the insistence of Babasaheb. Nehru had appointed Kalelkar to this commission. Kalelkar was a Brahmin by caste and a Gandhiwadi as well. He was one of Gandhi's favorite activists. Kalelkar said that the Kunbees, Malis, Telis etc i.e. OBCs are not poor and they do not need Reservation. These castes cannot be given reservation, he said. Babasaheb had made a provision to provide for Reservations to the OBCs and had even re¬signed for the cause of the OBCs. It was Gandhi who sabotaged all our rights. Kalelkar was Gandhi's man. Before Kalelkar went to Satara for Commission's work he wrote a letter to the Collector of Satara in which he wrote, "I am a Brahmin and will eat the food cooked by a Brah¬min. I will not eat the food cooked by any other ordinary person." And this Kalelkar was going to write a report on whether the OBCs are poor or not. Kalelkar opposed us as he was a Gandhiwadi. We should place this entire his¬tory in front of our people. I know of one way to join people i.e. join people to BAMCEF. If people join BAMCEF they will keep away from Casteism. Through BAMCEF we can destroy Casteism and Brahminism. We can win Free¬dom."

Thanking all and giving the slogan, “lets work in BAMCEF, lets march towards Freedom”, Mr. Hari Bhau Narke concluded his speech.


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