

Dalit’s meet supports T formation

Hyderabad, Feb, 21 : The Dalit Mahasabha meet here on Sunday asked SC, ST, BC, and minorities to work together, to get power in coming years.The founder president of Mahasabha, Mr Katti Padma Rao, said that Dalit communities were suppres-sed by forward caste leaders, hence Dalits should protest against atrocities.

He said that only two castes are ruling our state, and alleged that these casts do not want Dalit’s development hence they never made a Dalit chief minister, barring Damodaram Sanjeevaiah.

He lamented despite the ST/SC Atrocity Act, Dalits are facing partiality in the society. Mr Padma Rao demanded provision of lands for agriculture, and house, for Dalits. Mr G. Chakrapani, Mr Ch. Gurup-rasad and others also spoke.

The leaders said that their Mahasabha is supporting separate Telangana state. They opined that Dalits will get power only with the bifurcation of state. Various groups staged cultural programmes on the occasion.

Earlier, a rally was taken out in the town. Meanwhile, the Samaikya Andhra Rashtra Vidyarthi Joint Action Committee leaders asked the Mahas-abha leaders to reconsider their demand for smaller states.

They said that Dalit’s conditions are very bad in small states like Chattisgarh, Uttaranchal, and Jharkhand. The committee state co-convenor, Mr R. Jagadeesh, and other leaders recalled that Dalit Mahasabha was formed to develop the Dalit community, hence it should not support for separate Telangana state.


  1. Bharat Bhushan said...
  2. If Dalit Mahasabha supports separate Telangana state there is valid point in it. It should be respected.

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