For the first time the high profile National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, a virtual monopoly of the Brahminist micro-minority, got exposed on Dec.20, 2010 when our people staged a massive demonstration before this well-funded institution.
Over 90% of the NLSIU students are Brahminists and most of them from UP and Bihar headed by a Brahmin Vice-Chancellor, R. Venkat Rao. Though funded by the govt. it just doesn’t bother about reservations not speak of the constitution. C.S. Dwaraknath, Advocate and ex-president of the State Backward Classes Commission, criticised the NLSIU’s argument of “merit” in admissions. It is just a pretext to promote Brahminical interests.
Editor hooted: Some years back when the NLSIU was housed in the Central College, DV Editor V.T. Rajshekar was invited to address the students on reservations. He was hooted by all the upper caste students. Vice-Chancellor Madhav Menon was sitting helpless.
These less than 15% upper castes are enjoying the wealth of the country totally rejecting the Constitution of India. The govt. and the judiciary, both controlled by the upper castes, are silent.
For the first time the high profile National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, a virtual monopoly of the Brahminist micro-minority, got exposed on Dec.20, 2010 when our people staged a massive demonstration before this well-funded institution.
Over 90% of the NLSIU students are Brahminists and most of them from UP and Bihar headed by a Brahmin Vice-Chancellor, R. Venkat Rao. Though funded by the govt. it just doesn’t bother about reservations not speak of the constitution. C.S. Dwaraknath, Advocate and ex-president of the State Backward Classes Commission, criticised the NLSIU’s argument of “merit” in admissions. It is just a pretext to promote Brahminical interests.
Editor hooted: Some years back when the NLSIU was housed in the Central College, DV Editor V.T. Rajshekar was invited to address the students on reservations. He was hooted by all the upper caste students. Vice-Chancellor Madhav Menon was sitting helpless.
These less than 15% upper castes are enjoying the wealth of the country totally rejecting the Constitution of India. The govt. and the judiciary, both controlled by the upper castes, are silent.
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