Alwar, Jan 28 (PTI) Members of the Dalit community here have alleged that the police and a Rajasthan minister have been protecting some people of the Mev community who had committed atrocities on them."The houses of Dalits in Husaipur were ransacked and they were beaten up few days back by Mev people but police did not take any action under the pressure of state health minister Duru Miyan," P L Meemroth of Dalit Adhikar Kendra alleged today.
"Police officials are not taking action against the accused, hence we have decided to approach the High Court to seek justice," he said.
According to members of the Dalit community, their houses were ransacked after a clash between them and some people from Mev community in which a Mev man was killed.
After the death of the man, several Mev people attacked and ransacked the houses of Dalits and beat them in the presence of police, who did not stop them as the Mev people were being protected by the Health Minister who also belongs to the region, the Dalits have alleged.
The minister could not be contacted for his comments. PTI Corr SDA
"Police officials are not taking action against the accused, hence we have decided to approach the High Court to seek justice," he said.
According to members of the Dalit community, their houses were ransacked after a clash between them and some people from Mev community in which a Mev man was killed.
After the death of the man, several Mev people attacked and ransacked the houses of Dalits and beat them in the presence of police, who did not stop them as the Mev people were being protected by the Health Minister who also belongs to the region, the Dalits have alleged.
The minister could not be contacted for his comments. PTI Corr SDA
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