

DV worry over Rahul as future PM

DV worry over Rahul as future PM


Bangalore: What is described as “India’s future PM” by the upper caste rulers, Rahul Gandhi, is financially backed by the world’s richest man and a top Jew, Bill Gates, owning the Microsoft. Gates offered all-out support in UP, meaning annexing UP from Mayawati. Gates earlier visited UP to offer support to “rescue” Dalit children from disease. These two developments are alarming. (DV Edit Nov.1, 2009: “Why King cobras, which tormented Sonia Gandhi & denied her PMship twice, now trying to hoist Rahul?”)

To this day Rahul has not addressed a press conference so that we understand his mind. But the way the Brahminical oppressors are deep in love with him proves their aim because they know his mind.

That the Jews and the “Jews of India” are hoisting him on India is now clear but extremely worrying.

In Bangalore, he said on Aug.14, 2010 (TOI report):

“India is the second fastest growing economy in the world. There are very few countries that give freedom like India”.

But the fact is India is pushed to the level of the sub-Saharan Africa and as he spoke the military is killing Kashmiris crying for freedom.


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