

Lokpal Vs. Jan Lokpal and its impact on Bahujans of this country


            In this country everyone is suffering corruption of some kind or other at the hands of people in position of social, economic and political power. The poor, downtrodden, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBCs and religious minorities are the worst suffers of this malice. All those who talk of eradicating corruption are welcome but one has to go much beyond the hypocritic façade of such organisations and individuals to bring to the fore the real intents of such individuals, movements to unravel their hidden agenda.

         It would be proper to quote Dr. Ambedkar who pointed to the continuance of 'historical injustice' by stating, "the youths who fill the universities and who follows the Pandits lead are ever ready to fight the political battle of India against the British. But what do these children of the leisured class Hindus have done to redress the wrongs their forefathers have done to the Untouchables? You can get thousands of Hindu youths to join political propaganda but cannot get one single youth to take up the cause of breaking the caste system or of removing Untouchability. Democracy and democratic life, justice and conscience which are sustained by a belief in democratic principle are foreign to the Hindu mind."

            How aptly Arundhati Roy has analyzed the agitation launched by Anna Hazare when she says, "you could say that the Maoists and the Jan Lokpal Bill have one thing in common — they both seek the overthrow of the Indian State. One working from the bottom up, by means of an armed struggle, waged by a largely adivasi army, made up of the poorest of the poor. The other, from the top down, by means of a bloodless Gandhian coup, led by a freshly minted saint, and an army of largely urban, and certainly better off people."

Team Anna – who are they?

            Anna's share the attitude and belief of Mr. M.K. Gandhi’s on untouchables or Scheduled Caste or Dalits and holds the view, “It was Mahatma Gandhi's vision that every village should have one chamar, one sunar, one kumhar and so on. They should all do their work according to their role and occupation, and in this way, a village will be self-dependant. This is what we are practicing in Ralegan Siddhi.”

            Further, it must be known to each SC, ST, OBC that members of Team Anna have also been associated with Youth for Equality, the anti-reservation movement started by some frenzied individuals to rob SCs, STs and OBCs of their rightful representation in the affairs of administration of state in this country. Arundhati Roy states that the campaign of Anna is being handled by people who run a clutch of generously funded NGOs whose donors include Coca-Cola and the Lehman Brothers. Kabir, run by Arvind Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia, key figures in Team Anna, has received $400,000 from the Ford Foundation in the last three years. Among contributors to the ‘India Against Corruption’ campaign there are Indian companies and foundations that own aluminum plants, build ports and SEZs, and run Real Estate businesses and are closely connected to politicians who run financial empires that run into thousands of crores of rupees. Some of them are currently being investigated for corruption and other crimes. From these details and facts any individual of ordinary intelligence can infer as to who are the individuals who are fanning this campaign.

            As could be seen from various reports appearing in print and electronic media, Anna does support Raj Thackeray's Marathi Manoos xenophobia and has praised the ‘development model' of Gujarat's Chief Minister who is facing allegations of mass murder of Muslims in 2002, though he retracted from the said statement after a public outcry. He is all praise for a developmental model practiced in Gujarat, therefore, publicly praise the unhindered Liberalization, Globalization and privatization.

            After going through such stands of Anna, one can only understand that he is an upholder of atrocious process of Globalization, its hunger for profit, efficiency, virtually leading to economic exploitation - the worsening terms of trade, less return for more work, equal competition for unequal standards in technology, hidden taxation at multiple levels in addition to user charges for private facilities, agribusiness, rules favourable to mobile capital and free enterprises (i.e. no rules) increased joblessness, migrations etc. Thereby a contributor to enhance poverty and fall in human development indicators. In many basic services 'privatization' has not benefited that poor but it remains the prime concern of WTO, IMF&WB.

            The points raised ibid compel one to ponder as to whose interests Anna’s movement is serving. He is yet to undertake a fast on o death of any of the issues.

Issue of Corruption

            Before broaching the subject of corruption, one has to understand in clear terms and find answer to the question, Is corruption a “cause” or an “effect”? If an individual is suffering from cancer but he takes medicine of fever or cough or weakness, Is he going to recover?   Even a layman would give answer as ‘NO’ because the cause of illness is cancer and fever, cough or weakness is mere effects of malice of Cancer. The treatment of cough, fever or weakness would not mitigate cancer. Similarly, the causes of corruption are rooted somewhere else, while, the malice of corruption is an effect. One cannot mitigate the causes by removing the effects. Therefore, one has to uproot the causes for lasting solutions to malice like corruption. Some of the important causes of spread of corruption to mammoth scale is unrelenting pursuit of policy of ‘Liberalisation, Privatization and Globalization’ in the country for last over two decades.  

            Arundhati Roy validly raising a question on the issue of corruption when she says,”Is corruption just a matter of legality, of financial irregularity and bribery, or is it the currency of a social transaction in an egregiously unequal society, in which power continues to be concentrated in the hands of a smaller and smaller minority? Imagine, for example, a city of shopping malls, on whose streets hawking has been banned. A hawker pays the local beat cop and the man from the municipality a small bribe to break the law and sell her wares to those who cannot afford the prices in the malls. Is that such a terrible thing? In future will she have to pay the Lokpal representative too? Does the solution to the problems faced by ordinary people lie in addressing the structural inequality, or in creating yet another power structure that people will have to defer to?”.

            Just see how true are last three lines of her statement which naïve Anna’s team is unable to understand? 

Slavery under Globalization regime:

            Six and a half decades ago when this country became independent, the Vision and Mission was determined by ‘WE THE PEOPLE’ to build this country as enlightened and humane society in the world. We the people does not mean a handful of individuals nor few thousand nor a couple of lakhs. The majority living in this country is SC, ST, OBCs and religious minorities and the impact in form of dispossession of following the new economic policy pursued in the country has been the most on these Bahujans. It may require a detail analysis and production of empirical data for analyzing the impact of liberalization, privatization and globalization in India but at this juncture it is not essentially required as direct impact of such policies are directly visible on this section of society in India. The policy of 'crony capitalism' adopted in India is, infact, perpetuating 'caste capitalism' based on adharma (i.e. Brahmanism / Hinduism). The economy in India has been controlled based on the tenants of caste-system.

            Dr. Ambedkar aptly stated that in such a system ('caste-economy'), there is no division of labour but 'division of laboures'. The principle of graded inequality has been carried into the economic field. The Hindu Social Order (HSO) relies upon the principle of To each according to his nobility’ rather than ‘each according to his need’. The Hindu Social Order does not believe in equal need, equal work or equal ability as the basis of reward for labour. Its motto is that in regard to the distribution of the good things of life those who are reckoned as the highest must get the most and the best and those who are called as the lowest must accept the least and the worst.

            The social, economic, political and cultural system being practiced by the upper caste elite in this country is a form of "imperialism" and is instrumental in the denial of liberty, equality, fraternity, dignity and justice. This system is incompatible with the laudable ideals of liberty, equality, fraternity, justice and democracy. The system of untouchability is a 'goldmine' for the upper castes in this country where a dalits or a tribal have no social security and upper caste own everything - the land, trade and also the state by which they control the source of revenue and profits.

The Human Development Report 2010 gives a very dismal picture of development of Human Development in India, with 55.4% suffering from Multi Dimensional Poverty (MDP). 75.6% of population earning $2 a day and 41.6% $ 1.25 a day; 12% of children under the age of 14 yrs. forced to do child labour. Almost 44% children malnourished and lack cognitive development. The Education for All report of UNESCO gives the deprivation in education with 45% students dropping out after elementary education (79% of ST & 69.1% of SC student dropout from standard X. 7.14 million children are out of school. It is very significant know that the data for Denotified Tribes, Notified Tribes, OBCs and Religious Minorities is not readily available in Census, NSSO or Health Surveys. If it would have been available, one thing could have been crystal clear that a majority of 80-90% of those out of school, in child Labour, dropped out, lacking cognitive development and those earning less than $2 or $1.25 a day are Bahujans (Dalits, Tribals, Backwards).

                        The policy of liberalization, privatization and globalization has in no way reduced the inequalities, nor has it provided the SCs, STs, DTs, socio-economic opportunities, on the contrary, it has increased the gulf between haves and have-nots and few have Billionaires in a very short time in this country without toiling and soiling there hand. The state which was planned to distribute the capital and assets and enable equal opportunities with preferential treatment to the disadvantaged under the Constitution is being reduced in capability to perform its original role. Even the World Development Report acknowledged the inequality trap due to caste, gender and religious discrimination in India.

                        It could be well understood from all above that 'economic globalization' and its impact on India that laissez-fiare capitalist model of globalization has become not merely 'crony capitalism' but indeed ‘caste capitalism’ with the ‘factor of production' (land, labour, capital, entrepreneurship, technology and human capital) and the 'control of markets' being owned mostly the Brahmin, Baniya and Big Zamindar. Whereas, the Dalits, Adivasis, Denotified and Nomadic Tribes, Backward, Muslims, are made either the ‘producers’ or ‘consumers’ but not the owners in this caste capitalism organized by liberalization, privatization and globalization. So the 'caste slavery' even under the globalization continues, based on control of capital, knowledge, technology, -assets & human capital by the Brahmin, Bania and Big Zamindar (land lords) is a fact of 'human life' which cannot be simply overlooked.

                        India might be growing @ of 7-8% GDP per annum but not so the "85% India". The' growth' is not being translated into 'equity' and 'human development' due to 'caste capitalism'. It is rendering the Directive Principles of State Policy (Part IV of the Constitution), which envisage a 'Welfare State' and abolition of socio-economic inequalities as futile. The Indian elites by the growing economic and military power of India aspire to make it a major power with both 'soft power and hard power' in the name of national security, peace and prosperity without any adherence to human rights, justice and peace in India and the world.

                        Thus, the present form of globalization is not only violating the constitutional rights, safeguards and provisions and human rights but also blowing up the 'edifice' of justice (social justice, distributive justice, economic justice), equality; liberty; dignity; equity; justice; equity and development which the modem world has came to terms. The movement like that of Hazare and his associates are further creating an environment having fascist’s overtones and would pave way for Hindu Imperialist forces in this country. This is a very serious concern and must be dealt with at the earliest by us for our India and the world.     

            Under relentless pursuit towards liberation, privatization and globalization, the State is withdrawing from its traditional duties and Corporations and NGOs are taking over government functions like water supply, electricity, transport, telecommunication, mining, health, education with the active association, power and reach of the corporate owned media which is controlling the public imagination, the fight to justice, equality, dignity and justice is further difficult.

            Further, the demand may be raised for legalizing Corporate Corruption in the name of Lobbying Fee.

            If anyone has to initiate a HUNGER STRIKE, it should be for above mentioned reasons.

Separation of Power and Checks and Balances:

This dreadful crisis has happened due to utter failure of India's representative democracy. The criminal background representatives and millionaire politicians have failed to take up people’s cause in the legislature.

Democracy is based on principle of Checks and Balances and on the theory of Separation of Power. One ‘Lokpal’ overseeing Legislatures, Executive and Judiciary would become a Monster which will eat everyone. The actions of Legislators within the Legislature or say on the floor of the House should not come under scrutiny at all.

Supremacy of the Constitution:

            We do not support the idea of ‘Referendum’ and have firm belief in the supremacy of the Constitution and the Parliament of this nation. Any issue concerning any matter in this country has to be settled within the purview of the Constitution by the Parliament. All demands for a referendum on any of the issues must be condemned, rejected and ignored.

Civil Society must have representatives of Bahujans in majority:

            Anna is playing a joke on the nation by taking 5 people and calling themselves as Civil Society. As stated above, 85% people living in this country are from SC, ST, OBCs, hence any Civil Society in which the representatives of these communities are not there cannot be called as Civil Society.

One Lokpal for everything is not acceptable:

            Contrary to the principles of separation of powers on the basis of which Democracy functions, the Jan Lokpal Bill is a draconian anti-corruption law, in which a panel of carefully chosen people will administer a giant bureaucracy, with thousands of employees, with the power to police everybody from the Prime Minister, the judiciary, members of Parliament, and all of the bureaucracy, down to the lowest government official. The Lokpal will have the powers of investigation, surveillance, and prosecution. Except for the fact that it won't have its own prisons, it will function as an independent administration, meant to counter the bloated, unaccountable, corrupt one that we already have.

Any Lokpal must have the provision;

·         All Corporate frauds must fall within the ambit of any Lokpal.

·         Misuse of funds allocated for Development of SC, ST, OBCs must come under Lokpal.

·         Any Lokpal must be representative and shall have majority of individuals from Bahujans, even committee to screen the candidates for the posts in Lokpal should also be representative and should have majority of Bahujans.

·         The Constitutional Guarantees given under Article 311 to government employees and mandatory consultation with the CVC and UPSC should not be diluted in the case in the case of employees.

·         The National Commission for SC, ST and body made for OBC’s must be consulted.

·         All private entities, corporations, the media, and NGOs - are kept away from the control of proposed Lokpal must be brought under the ambit of Lokpal.

·         Team Anna and pseudo Civil Society has been able to mount pressure by politicians bashing and cleverly leaving media off the hook. Lokpal should address this aspect as media itself is involved in immense corruption.


            By painting only the Government as demon, they have built themselves a platform from which the demand of withdrawal of the State from the public sphere and further impetus to Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization agenda would be demanded to rob the people of nation’s natural resources. This is not acceptable

            The issue of right and wrong are closely linked to the consciences and moral values and cannot be decided by show of strength by shouting or voting on the floor of the houses. In a Democracy, Parliament is sovereign and it represents will of the people. The hysterical situation created by Anna and his associates through inciting public frenzy. Such tactics could pave way for wrong decision making which could be detrimental to the rights and entitlements of SCs, STs, OBCs and religious minorities living in this country and for which generations may have to suffer later on.

            Therefore, it is pleaded that do not be fooled by the flag waving imperialist. Please guide your brethren on this evil design and tell them to desist from evil designed movement of Mr. Anna’s and his associates.


            Lets come together and send our comments and views in individual capacity and as organisations to the Parliamentary Standing Committee of Lok Sabha to which the Lok Pal Bill has been referred to for consultation, Members of Parliament and State Legislatures and other eminent personalities in India on this matter.


New Delhi



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